Friday, October 29, 2010


All teachers who have ever come to school sick, I forever give you my complete and total respect. It is not an action I would like to repeat, as today was not quite enjoyable. Not to say I didn't want to be around the kids; it's more that when you are sick, every problem seems like it is compounded and you have much more difficulty remaining patient. Especially with the kinder kids, because they are always moving, playing, fighting or getting into any manner of trouble. So much energy in a small little bundle. I have decided that Kevin is a menace, and worse than that- an intelligent menace. He is the biggest of the kinder kids, and I have difficulty engaging him because he already understands everything I am teaching to the younger ones. So he decides to go off and do his own thing, make messes and hit people with empty coke bottles. I walk into class and he woos you with his big eyes and smile, but as soon as he doesn't get his way, off he goes making trouble. However, when you do something that captures his interest, you couldn't have a better pupil. I attempted to take his bottle away when he commenced in hitting me with it, but of course he didn't listen. Instead he decided to bite me, albeit lightly, and as I didn't know the word for bite, all i could tell his was "don't be a shark". Effective. Although he did settle down when he saw I was unhappy with him. Later in the day, I asked for one of the new volunteers to help me because I started to feel worse. It really wasn't a wise decision to go. I felt bad I couldn't be at my best. Especially during English, when once class was dismissed the kids wanted to stay to learn more, and I was simply exhausted. They understood though. I fell asleep on the stairs, and later at the Hogar. Daniel carried my backpack for me, the perfect gentleman. I think I'm going to tutor him in English separately, because he is so far ahead of everyone. Moises nearly fell out of his chair with how big his smile was when we read him Harpers response to his letter. If anyone has any ideas for fun afternoon activities with all the kids, let me know! I want to maybe get some workshops going so that they can be occupied. My thinking cap is on :)

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