Friday, October 22, 2010

All grown up

La escuela no tiene classes hoy, porque ayer fue un dia ferriada. (Today there were not classes at the school because yesterday was a 'holiday'). So we rested up, slept in all the way until 8:30, showered in the cold water because the water heater is mysteriously not working today, and then headed over to attempt to draw money out from our Citi accounts that we purpously set up so they would work, but which do not. The citi bank in the center of town didn't have an atm, so we took a taxi to the mall. Once in citi bank we tried the atm. Our cards were declined and the people at the front said that we couldn't get cash from the citi atm, we had to go next door to an atm at a different bank. At this point we were quite dejected. Ethan had only 5 limperas left (the equivalent of about 20 cents). But we tried the bank next door and Glory Halleluia! our cards worked! Ethan kissed his money. Now why our cards worked at a different bank and not at our citi bank I can't tell you. Limperas in hand, we went shopping for some much needed supplies. I felt so grown up, dealing with all the money and going shopping; coming home and cleaning out the fridge and putting groceries away. I'll have to get used to this!

Eddie cooked some amazing pasta and sauce today! Spaghetti and home made tomato sauce. I don't know if I've ever tasted better. Oh and did I mention that he went to Georgetown? I thought that was a funny coincidence. Anyways, he is going to be the new sponsor coordinator for Helping Honduras Kids. I think that will be great. Already he has made little bios for each of the Hogar kids and is working on udating the sponsor list so he can send them to each sponsor. We are trying to centralize all communication for HHK so we shall get things going soon! 

We are launching a new program for the holidays to help raise some much needed funds for HHK and hopefully expose more people to what we do. It is called the HHK Give Challenge. We are sending out packets to all of our donors which include 4 Holiday cards with handmade drawings by the kids. A cover letter asks each sponsor to send these letters to their friends and relatives, asking them to donate to HHK in lieu of recieving a gift for themselves. Our idea is that every person has people who send them gifts that they really don't need. Think about it. Aunt Martha who sends the same yellow sweater every year... you know the type of gifts. We are challenging those who care about our organization to give up gifts for themselves and experience the true meaning of the holidays. For one season to truly give. I think it is an interesting concept, and I know that I'm planning on participating completely. If you want to get involved and send some letters out let me know! I can have a packet of cards made by the kids mailed to you to send out to friends and family. Then your friends and family can donate on line or send checks to you which you can forward to HHK. See how much joy it will bring :D . 

1 comment:

  1. Kyla, por favor me manda unos potografias de las cartas navidades. Posible quiero mandar a mis clientes. Cuantos cuesta por solomente comprar las cartas? Lutm, mama
